Walleye Technical Committee
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Riley Mounsdon, South Dakota State University, accepts the Percid Award from Logan Zebro and Brian Blackwell (Dakota Chapter) |
The Walleye Technical Committee traditionally meets twice during the year. An informal summer meeting is usually held during the third week of July. Exchange of technical information and special project discussions occur at this meeting. A shorter, but more formal business winter meeting is held in conjunction with the annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference in which chapter representatives give their state and provincial reports.
The purpose of the Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society is to promote the research and development of functional management strategies leading to the wise use of native and introduced stocks of Walleye, Sauger and their hybrids, and of Yellow Perch, to improve culture techniques and to facilitate the dissemination of pertinent data and technology to both the scientific and user communities.
Officers of the WTC for the current year (Click on the Name for a direct link to email the officers)
Chair: Jason Gostiaux,
Michigan DNR
3580 State Park Dr.
Bay City, MI 48706
Immediate Past-Chair:
Logan Zebro, Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biology
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Secretary: Joe Rydell
Nebraska Game and Parks
WTC State & Province Representative List
Dale Logsdon | [email protected] | MN, USA |
Jason Gostiaux | [email protected] | MI, USA |
Jason DeBoer | [email protected] | IL, USA |
Aaron Voirol | [email protected] | IN, USA |
Jeff Koch | [email protected] | KS, USA |
Alex Engel | [email protected] | NE, USA |
Amy Gebhard | [email protected] | SD, USA |
Jeremy Pritt | [email protected] | OH, USA |
Rebecca Krogman | [email protected] | IA, USA |
Todd Caspers | [email protected] | ND, USA |
Robert Weber | [email protected] | MO, USA |
Colin Dassow | [email protected] | WI, USA |
William Gardner | [email protected] | ON, CAN |
Mark Duffy | [email protected] | SK, CAN |
Geoff Klein | [email protected] | MB, CAN |
Mike Sullivan | [email protected] | AB, CAN |
Stephen Spencer | [email protected] | AB, CAN |
Click HERE to view the new WTC Operations Manual. This document is intended to serve as a guide for the Walleye Technical Committee (WTC) chair and chair elect. Its purpose is to assist them in their duties to the North Central Division (NCD) and to other members of the WTC. Further, it serves to ensure that the chair and chair-elect are aware of various responsibilities and deadlines. Additionally, it is intended to help with logistical arrangements for meetings.
Joining the NCD-Walleye Technical Committee
Meeting Minutes (most text below are links)
Summer 2024 Draft Meeting Minutes
PERCIS V 5th Percid Fish International Symposium, Czech Republic
Winter 2023 Meeting Minutes with State Reports
The American Fisheries Society 149th Annual Meeting Reno, Nevada Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2019. Abstracts are HERE
2015 Winter Business Meeting
2015 Summer Business Meeting
2014 Summer Business Meeting
2013 Summer Business Meeting
2012 Winter Business Meeting
2012 Summer Business Meeting
2011 Winter Business Meeting
2011 Summer Meeting
2010 Winter Business Meeting
2010 Summer Meeting
2009 Winter Business Meeting
2009 Summer Meeting
2008 Winter Business Meeting
2008 Summer Meeting
2007 Winter Business Meeting
2007 Summer Meeting
2006 Winter Business Meeting
2005 Winter Business Meeting
2005 Summer Meeting
2004 Winter Business Meeting
2004 Summer Meeting
2003 Winter Business Meeting
2003 Summer Meeting
History and Past Chairs of the Walleye Technical Committee(pdf)
State/Provincial Grey Literature
The Chowan River, by Lawrence Kearson, 1973 (pdf)
Michigan (pdf)
North Dakota Game and Fish Department (pdf)
Bruner, John Clay, DeBruyne, Robin L. (Eds.) 2021. Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Sauger: Aspects of Ecology, Management, and Culture. Springer Fish & Fisheries Series Cham, Switzerland Vol. 41: 1-402 pp.
Walleye, one of the most sought-after species of freshwater sport fishes in North America, have demonstrated appreciable declines in their numbers from their original populations since the beginning of the 20th century. Similarly, Yellow Perch, once the most commonly caught sport fish and an important commercial species in North America, have also shown declines. Compiling up-to-date information on the biology and management of Walleye, Sauger, and Yellow Perch, including research on systematics, genetics, physiology, ecology, movement, population dynamics, culture, recent case histories, and management practices, will be of interest to managers, researchers, and students who deal with these important species, particularly in light of habitat alterations, population shifts, and other biotic and abiotic factors related to a changing climate.
Order online at springer.com/booksellers
Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC
Biology, Management, and Culture of Walleye and Sauger
$79.00 for hardcover or pdf
Bruce A. Barton, editor 2011. Biology, Management, and Culture of Walleye and Sauger 600 pages, index Published by the American Fisheries Society, June 2011 ISBN: 978-1-934874-22-6
This new compendium serves as a single comprehensive source of information on the biology, ecology, management, and culture of walleye and sauger in North America.
Early chapters cover Sander systematics, including osteological evidence and molecular and population genetics and recent advancements in stock identification. Extensive information is documented on habitat requirements for various life history stages and how these stages can be influenced by environmental perturbations. Other chapters describe environmental biology and feeding energetics and provide details on walleye and sauger life histories, walleye population and community dynamics in lakes that reflect the influence of lake size, fishing methods, and various management techniques using case histories, and exploitation from recreational, commercial, aboriginal, and mixed fisheries. Harvest regulations, sampling procedures, and their effectiveness are also reviewed and evaluated. Final chapters review and analyze stocking procedures, marking techniques, ecological effects of stocking, and the state of the art of walleye and hybrid walleye culture.
This reference work will be used by fishery scientists, biologists, managers, culturists, students, and interested public such as anglers and conservationists.
Contact Brian Borkholder with Walleye Technical Committee website comments