Reservoir Technical Committee
The Reservoir Technical Committee will host a symposium again this year that the Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. This symposium, titled “Leveraging What Works: Midwestern Reservoir Management and Assessment Strategies“, will promote communication between fisheries professionals in the Midwest regarding approaches to habitat restoration and fisheries assessment and provide a venue to disseminate information about “what works” when confronting reservoir habitat and fisheries issues. We especially seek presentations about in-reservoir habitat restoration and standard fisheries assessment methods, whether surveying sportfish, forage fish, abiotic variables, watershed processes, or other reservoir-related factors. Jeff Boxrucker, Coordinator of the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership, will present the keynote address for this symposium, speaking about the role of building partnerships in reservoir habitat restoration projects.
Submit your paper to our symposium today as all abstracts are due September 9, 2016. Podium and poster presentations will be accepted.
More information can be found here:
Joseph D. Conroy, Ph.D.
Co-Chair | Reservoirs Technical Committee
North Central Division
American Fisheries Society
E-mail: [email protected]
Mission Statement:
Reservoirs Technical Committee promotes communication through discussion, informal presentations, symposia, and workshops to enhance the understanding of reservoir systems by fisheries professionals and to advocate wise use and protection of reservoir fisheries resources.
Co-Chairs: Joe Conroy & Rebecca Krogman
State Representatives:
- Dakota: Brian Graeb, [email protected]
- Illinois: Mike Hooe, [email protected]
- Indiana: Sandy Clark-Kolaks, [email protected]
- Iowa: Rebecca Krogman, [email protected]
- Kansas: vacant
- Michigan: vacant
- Mid-Canada: vacant
- Minnesota: vacant
- Missouri: vacant
- Nebraska: Mark Porath, [email protected]
- Ohio: Joe Conroy, [email protected]
- Ontario: vacant
- Wisconsin: vacant
To contact the committee chairs, email [email protected].
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