Student Awards

The North Central Division administers awards to both student sub-units of state chapters and to individual students.

Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award represents a collaborative effort of the American Fisheries Society, the Wildlife Society, and the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference to recognize outstanding students.  Click HERE for application details.  Application details for the 2023 meeting can be found HERE.

Joan Duffy Student Travel Award
One award is given to a student from each North Central Division chapter for travel assistance to the Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference.

Outstanding Student Subunit Award
This award will be given to the North Central Division subunit of a state chapter that has carried out the most active program of enhancing professionalism and fisheries science.  Student subunits of the American Fisheries Society are not eligible for this award, but may compete for the North Central Division Outstanding Chapter Awards. Most often, members will nominate their own chapter. Nomination materials should include the number of members, names of officers, number and type of meetings, special activities, recruitment activities, and a brief (1 page) description of what makes this subunit an active and important contributor to the NCD, AFS, and fisheries profession. Additional materials of support may also be included.

Young Professional Travel Award
The award is designed to promote meeting attendance of young professionals who have made substantial contributions to the field through continued education, outreach and AFS service. The award provides up to $850 in travel support and a 1 year membership to AFS. Preference will be given to individuals presenting at the meeting, those involved in continuing education or outreach and those in need of financial assistance for travel. All young professional members (within 3 years of graduation), including agency biologists, post-docs, and faculty are encouraged to apply. The award winner will be required to attend the Education Section business meeting to receive the award and contribute to the Section’s winter newsletter. Click here for application details.