North Central Division Awards
The North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society is soliciting nominees for four awards given annually: Most Active Large Chapter; Most Active Small Chapter; Most Active Student Subunit; and Best Communications awards. Submissions for the Meritorious Service and the Fisheries Excellence awards are also considered each year. Each award is fully described below.
Click the award titles below to download application forms. Applications for all 2022 awards are due December 4, 2022. NCD really wants to fill EVERY award category this year!
Click HERE for a complete description of the awards.
Nomination materials should be sent to the current NCD President Elect, which right now would be Sara Thomas.
Most Active Chapter Awards
Two awards will be given to the North Central Division Chapters that have carried out the most active programs of enhancing professionalism and fisheries science, relative to its size and the geographic distribution of its membership. Most often, members will nominate their own chapter. Nomination materials should include the number of members, names of officers, number and type of meetings, special activities, recruitment activities, and a brief (1 page) description of what makes this chapter an active and important contributor to the NCD, AFS, and fisheries profession. Additional materials of support may also be included. Large Chapters include Illinois, Mid-Canada, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Ontario, and Wisconsin, and small Chapters include Dakota, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.
Most Active Student Subunit Award
This award will be given to the North Central Division student subunit that has carried out the most active program in developing interest among undergraduate and graduate students in fisheries science and fulfilling the mission of the American Fisheries Society. Most often members will nominate their own subunit.
Best Communications Awards
This award will be given to the North Central Division Chapter that has developed the most efficient, useful, and attractive newsletter and website to disseminate information to its members. Both printed and electronic newsletters will be considered. Submissions should include copies of two or three of the Chapter’s most recent newsletters and a brief description of the newsletter, including frequency of publication, readership, and primary means of distribution.
Fisheries Excellence Award
This award will be given to a North Central Division member who has made an outstanding contribution to the fisheries profession. This contribution may be a single activity or a collection of achievements over the individual’s career. Former Division members may be nominated if most of their work occurred while they were NCD members. Nominations should include the names and signatures of at least 2 nominators, a brief (1 page) biographical sketch of the nominee, a brief (1 page) narrative of significant contributions made by the nominee, and copies of any additional materials to support the application.
Meritorious Service Award
This award will recognize extraordinary service to the AFS by a NCD member. Nominations may be based on a single outstanding achievement or a variety of service activities, and may include the Chapter, Division, Section or Parent Society level. In the nomination, evidence must be presented that this service has gone beyond the routine and that it has made a genuine and lasting contribution to the betterment of the Society. Nominations should include the names and signatures of at least 2 nominators, a brief (1 page) biographical sketch, a brief (1 page) narrative of significant contributions made by the nominee, and copies of any additional materials to support the application.